Real Numbers)

I'm Tony Jackson; 62 years old and 315 lbs when I started a planned journey to get rid of Type 2 Diabetes naturally in 2016.

In this video, made in 2018, I show the progression of my A1c results as I improved safely and steadily from full-blown Type 2 Diabetes to a state of health that is way better than  most people who have never been overweight or diabetic. Many  people are satisfied with lowering their blood sugar. I wasn't. I wanted to reverse my Diabetes Type 2 completely.

No medications, no supplements, no miracle foods, no gym memberships and no hunger! I did it 100% naturally. Strangely enough, I didn't even follow a strict diet initially. Later I adopted one that fits my life these days.

This video shows my last 5 A1c results, HbA1c as some know it, as well as my OGTT results. That stands for Oral Glucose Tolerance Test.   Did you know the A1c is not an accurate measurement of how well you are doing?

I explain that, and a lot more, in the detailed case study I wrote and made available as an online download -- you can learn more about it here:

The case study contains the 15 criteria  I needed to be part of any solution for it to work for meand includes not being hungry as I followed my plan.

And the research, over 200 hours, that gave me the answers.

The plan I developed is simple, and it met all 15 criteria.
Plus I didn't have to do it all at once.
I slowly progressed along the path, but even so, saw results almost immediately.
Of great importance is that it enabled me to reverse my Type 2 Diabetes without the demoralizing experiences of diets -- being tired, miserable, cold, and most of all hungry. I avoided all of those things. In actual fact, I experienced the opposite: a flood of energy, mentally very sharp, rarely hungry and never "urgently" hungry.
Again, for details, check out the link

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