Lesson Observation Software

What are the benefits to you of Observation Manager?

Free Up TIME For Other Things

Don’t let lesson observations become a “black hole” for time. All observation types are recorded online and the “workload” can be spread among all levels of staff.  Different levels of access filter what an individual can see and do in the lesson observation software – from Managers and Line Managers to observees.

When you know that observation admin, recording & tracking are “being taken care of” in the most efficient, staff engaging way possible.
SHARE Good Practice Easily

Upload video, documents, sound files, images, PowerPoint etc. this lesson observation software makes the sharing of good practice quick and easy
KNOW WHERE YOU ARE With Action Points & Follow Ups

Set and monitor objectives and action points to show what’s being done and the effectiveness of actions taken to improve the quality of teaching and learning through staff support and training. Compliance is helped by automatic weekly emails listing points requiring follow up.



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