Paterson Chiropractor Talks About What To Expect After Your First Adjustment

     Many people shy away from visiting a chiropractor in Paterson, NJ because they associate chiropractic spinal adjustments with plenty of pain and lots of cracking, but this isn't always the case. Our clinic offers both traditional, popping methods and crackless methods that are truly effective and paves the way for nervous system and spinal health.

     Chiropractic healing varies from one individual to another, so there's no way to predict how your body may react to the treatment. However, most patients feel immediate relief from pain, and the healing effects are felt right as soon as the adjustment is completed.

What can you expect on your first visit?

     To start with, you'll be asked to put in pertinent medical information such as current condition, medical history, any painful symptoms, and the nature of the pain, i.e., physical traumatic events, car accident or a sports-related accident. A thorough examination and an X-ray of your spine, if necessary, will be taken in order to determine which correction technique and treatment will work best for you.

     Before the treatment, your chiropractor will explain everything to you in terms you can fully understand. You will be given treatment options as well. After you agree, then it's time for the first adjustment.

Life-Changing Improvement

     Almost all our patients feel a whole lot better after they've gone through the first chiropractic care. Even if you've spent years living with a misaligned body, a thorough adjustment can bring about significant relief from pain. Moreover, many of our patients feel limber, flexible and more relaxed once they step out of the clinic. Others will start feeling brand new and totally energized because the nerves start working again after a long time. A few will feel tired, but nothing that a good sleep can't fix.

     Your chiropractor may advise you to come back after the first adjustment, depending on the severity and nature of your spine problem.

Minor Discomfort

     Experiencing a sort of crookedness may be expected since the spine is now properly aligned and straight for the first time in years. You may also experience aches and a kind of soreness around the spinal joints, which is considered normal. Your body may have adjusted to the crooked spine and the pulled muscles, so the corrective movement will understandably cause discomfort. Mending the subluxation could also bring about retracing, which causes patients to relive the pain that came from the injury.

     All of these signs are indications that the body is undergoing a deep healing process, which shouldn't last for more than 24 hours. Analgesics can help with temporary pain relief after the chiropractic treatment.

Internal Healing

     If you don't feel anything has happened after the initial adjustment, there's no reason to worry. This is perfectly normal- the restored energy flow can take a few days before you start feeling the positive effects.

     Most cases require multiple visits to your Paterson chiropractor for the best results. Your chiropractor should be able to tell you of the progress you're making and how your body has responded to the treatment so far. Keep the line of communication open and ask questions so you can get what you want out of the treatment.

     Visiting your chiropractor should be a worry-free affair now that you know what to expect. That's why it's important to look for reliable chiropractors in Paterson, NJ like Dr. Ricardo Lalama, D.C. or one of his team members, who would guide you all throughout the process. Now it's just a matter of getting your first adjustment to get back a healthy, pain-free life! Set an appointment now by calling (862) 571-1792. We look forward to helping you heal!

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